Using the ExecuteCommand API

You can use the commands described here to access functionality for a variety of entities within Autotask including Tickets, Companies, Contacts, Opportunities, Assets, and Tasks.

IMPORTANT  An Autotask login is required. The logged in user's security level access permissions apply.

Each command combines the following elements:

  • The URL to the appropriate Autotask database

Replace # with the number of your Autotask zone.

  • The command information which specifies the desired action and the target entity

For example, AutotaskExtend/ExecuteCommand.aspx?Code=NewTicket

  • The parameter that identifies the item the command will act on

For example, &AccountID=[AccountID]

Together, these elements create a path to access the specified item.

NOTE  The example above uses a New Ticket by Account ID command. When you use an ExecuteCommand, the command, entity, and parameter vary depending on what you want to do.

Important things to know

How to...

The commands

Autotask currently provides the execute commands described below.

Ticket commands

Use the Ticket commands to create new tickets for a specific account or open the detail page for an existing ticket.

Company commands

Use the Company commands to add a new company, or pass in parameters to access the company detail page or open the Edit Company window for the company associated with those parameters.

Company Note command

Use the CompanyNote execute command to add a new CRM Note associated with a specific company.

Contact commands

Use the Contact execute commands to add new contacts to companies, and open the Contact Detail or Edit Contact pages for existing contacts.

Asset (Configuration Item) commands

Use the following Company commands to add a new asset, or pass in parameters to access the Edit Asset page for the asset associated with the parameters you pass in.

Time Entry commands

Use the following Time Entry or Work Entry commands to open a new ticket time entry window, or to edit an existing work entry.

The Edit Work Entry command respects all Autotask security level and proxy time entry permissions.

Additional Open commands

The following Open commands open detail information for the entity described by the specific command and parameters you pass in.

Using the ExecuteCommand with third party applications