
IMPORTANT  The SOAP API entered a limited enhancement phase in Q4 2020. Access to version 1.6 will be deactivated.

The Contact entity describes an individual associated with an Account. Autotask users manage contacts through the CRM module (CRM > Contacts).

Entity details

You can also retrieve this information with the Web Services API call The getEntityInfo() SOAP API call.

Entity Name: Contact
Can Create:
Can Update:
Can Query:
Can Delete:  
Can Have UDFs:
Supports webhooks:

Fields that cannot be queried

Although you can query this entity, it contains one or more fields that are not queryable. If you attempt to query these fields, you will receive an error message.

  • BulkEmailOptOut
  • SolicitationOptOut
  • SurveyOptOut

Conditions and requirements


  • The SOAP AccountWebhookField and ContactWebhookField entities use REST API field names instead of SOAP API labels. Refer to <EntityName>WebhookField (SOAP API) for more information.

  • create() requires security level permission to add Contacts.
  • The Contact entity can have no more than 100 UDFs. Refer to UserDefinedFieldDefinition.
  • Contacts cannot be deleted if any of the following conditions apply:
    • The contact is the primary or a secondary contact on a task or ticket
    • The contact is selected as an invoice email recipient
    • The contact has created tickets or ticket notes in the Client Portal
    • The contact is a Taskfire Administrator or a Taskfire Resource
    • The contact is the Installed By contact for any asset (via Client Portal/Taskfire)
    • The contact has created or modified Knowledgebase articles
    • The contact is the Primary Contact or Outsource Contact for the company
    • The contact has received outsourcing invitations
    • The contact is associated with outsourcing tickets

Special field attributes

Field Conditions and Requirements
AccountPhysicalLocationID On update(), if the Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Zip Code, and Country fields are blank and then a AccountPhysicalLocationID is provided, Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Zip Code, and Country fields are populated with data from the corresponding fields from AccountPhysicalLocationID. If any of the following fields contain data, Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Zip Code, or Country when AccountPhysicalLocationID is provided, none of the fields are updated.
BulkEmailOptOut The BulkEmailOptOut field indicates whether or not this contact has opted out of receiving bulk emails generated by Autotask.
BulkEmailOptOutTime BulkEmailOptOutTime indicates the date that the contact opted out. The CAN-SPAM act specifies 30 days as the minimum time to refrain from sending commercial emails to recipients that have chosen to opt out of bulk email. Since there may be a need to communicate technical or product information to users who have opted out of bulk email, Autotask does not force compliance with the 30 day opt out period.

The Country fields now provide a Country picklist. The following conditions apply to the Country fields in the API.

  • On create() and update():

If the value provided for Country matches either a standard country abbreviation, an ISO standard country name, or an Autotask country display name, the value is mapped to that country.

If no match is found, the value is mapped to "Other". The text that was passed in is stored.

In the UI, "Other" appears in the Country field as "Other [stored text value]". These "Other" values are not available for selection in the UI.

  • On query():

If the entity is mapped to a country, then the country display value will be returned.

If the country value is mapped to "Other", the stored text value is returned.

  • On query() by Country:

The system searches only the country display name.

If the entity’s Country value is not mapped to an Autotask country, then you must query for Country = "Other"; that is, the string "Other", not the stored text value. This will return all entities where the country value is non-standard.

EmailAddress2 and EmailAddress3 EmailAddress2 and EmailAddress3 are for use with Autotask Incoming Email Processing.
Email address character limit The Web Services API now enforces a limit of 254 characters for contact email addresses (EmailAddress, EmailAddress2, and EmailAddress3).
Note This field does not appear on the contact entity. It cannot be edited in the main UI. It can only be updated by the API. It can be viewed by customizing the Contact Insight where it appears on an entity category and adding the Notes field.
PrimaryContact An Account (AccountID) can have only one Primary Contact. If a Contact entity is made PrimaryContact for an Account, and that Account is associated with another Contact entity that is already set as PrimaryContact for the Account, then the existing (older) Contact entity will be updated to set PrimaryContact to false.

Field definitions

Field Name / Label Datatype Read Only Is Required Reference Name Picklist Webhook field
AccountID / {LT:Account} integer Account  
AccountPhysicalLocationID /
Account Physical Location ID
integer     AccountPhysicalLocation  
Active / Active integer      
AdditionalAddressInformation /
Additional Address Information
string (100)        
AddressLine / Address 1 string (128)        
AddressLine1 / Address 2 string (128)        
AlternatePhone / Alternate Phone string (32)        
ApiVendorID / API Vendor ID integer      
BulkEmailOptOut / Bulk Email Opt Out boolean        
BulkEmailOptOutTime / Bulk Email Opt Out Time datetime        
City / City string (32)        
Country / Country string (100)        
CountryID / Contact Country ID integer     Country  
CreateDate / Create Date datetime        
EMailAddress / Email string (50)        
EMailAddress2 / EMail Address 2 string (50        
EMailAddress3 / EMail Address 3 string (50        
Extension / Phone Ext. string (10)        
ExternalID / External ID string (50)        
FacebookUrl / Facebook URL string (200)        
FaxNumber / Fax string (25)        
FirstName / First Name string (20)      
id / Contact ID long      
ImpersonatorCreatorResourceID / Impersonator Creator Resource ID integer   Resource  
LastActivityDate / Last Activity Date datetime      
LastModifiedDate / Last Modified Date datetime      
LastName / Last Name string (20)      
LinkedInUrl / LinkedIn URL string (200)        
MiddleInitial / Middle Initial string (50)        
MobilePhone / Mobile Phone string (25)        
NamePrefix / Name Prefix integer      
NameSuffix / Name Suffix integer      
Note / Note string (50)        
Notification / Notification boolean        
Phone / Phone string (25)        
PrimaryContact / Primary Contact boolean        
RoomNumber / Room Number string (50)        
SolicitationOptOut / Solicitation Opt Out boolean      
SolicitationOptOutTime / Solicitation Opt Out Time datetime        
State / {LT:State} string (40)        
SurveyOptOut / Survey Opt Out boolean      
Title / Title string (50)        
TwitterUrl / Twitter URL string (200)        
ZipCode / {LT:ZipCode} string (16)