Reports to run before you approve and post

SECURITY  Refer to Required Permission for each report

NAVIGATION  Refer to Path for each report. Note that LiveReports may be published to any report category or multiple report categories, or may not be published at all in your Autotask instance. To publish a LiveReport, refer to Publishing LiveReports.

Standard reports

Milestones by status

Required Permission Security level with access to Reports > Contracts & Billing category
Respects user's security level CRM view permissions.
Path > Reports > Report Categories > Contracts & Billing >  Billing section
Description A list of all milestones associated with the selected Organization's fixed price contracts. The report also lists the due date and amount. Can be filtered by organization, project and milestone status.

Pending revenue by contract type - executive dashboard

Required Permission Administrator or Manager security level. May be published to other security levels, departments, or resources.
Path > Reports > Contracts & Billing tab > LiveReports
Description This report provides information on items waiting to be posted in the system. The information includes task and ticket work, project and ticket charges, milestones, expenses, block/retainer purchases, ticket purchases, and recurring services.

Pre-billing detail

Required Permission Security level with access to Reports > Contracts & Billing category
Path > Reports > Report Categories > Contracts & Billing >  Billing section
Description This report should be generated before the Approve and Post process.

Details about billing items waiting to be approved for selected organizations and a specified date range. Can be filtered by Contract Type, Billing Type and Project. Flexible grouping, sorting and column selection.

Your local organization items are not included in this report. To report on zero account items, run the "Pre-Billing Detail (Your local organization)" report.

Notes added to the text box at the bottom or the criteria pane will appear at the end of the report output, except for .csv format.

To save or print this report, you must select an output option (Excel, PDF, Rich Text or CSV) and then save or print from the output.

Pre-billing detail (your local organization)

Required Permission Security level with access to Reports > Contracts & Billing category
Path > Reports > Report Categories > Contracts & Billing >  Billing section
Description Details about billing items waiting to be approved for your local organization for a specified date range. This data for your local organization is no longer included in the Pre-Billing Detail report. This report is similar but not identical to the current Pre-Billing Detail report.

Can be filtered by Contract Type, Billing Type and Project. Flexible grouping, sorting and column selection.


Pre-posting detail

Required Permission Security level with access to Reports > Executive category (assigned to default System Administrator and Manager security levels)
Can be published to other security levels.
Path > Reports > Report Categories > Executive >  > Financial section

Description This report provides information on items waiting to be posted in the system. The information includes task and ticket work, project and ticket charges, milestones, expenses, block/retainer purchases, ticket purchases, recurring services, and subscriptions. The date filter for the billing items defaults to <= Last Day of Current Month, but you can change the value.

Pre-posting detail by contract

Required Permission Administrator or Manager security level. May be published to other security levels, departments, or resources.
Path > Reports > Contracts & Billing tab > LiveReports
Description This report provides information on items waiting to be posted in the system with a view by contract. The information includes task and ticket work, project and ticket charges, and milestones.

Pre-posting detail by project

Required Permission Administrator or Manager security level. May be published to other security levels, departments, or resources.
Path > Reports > Contracts & Billing tab > LiveReports
Description This report provides information on items waiting to be posted in the system with a view by project. The information includes task work, project charges, and milestones.

Subscription Pre-Posting

Required Permission Administrator or Manager security level. May be published to other security levels, departments, or resources.
Path > Reports > Report Categories > Contracts & Billing >  LiveReports section
Description This report provides information on subscriptions waiting to be posted in the system, grouped by organization.
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