Reports on Autotask notes

SECURITY  Refer to Required Permission for each report

NAVIGATION  Refer to Path for each report. Note that LiveReports may be published to any report category or multiple report categories, or may not be published at all in your Autotask instance. To publish a LiveReport, refer to Publishing LiveReports.

Standard reports

CRM Notes by Date Range and Resource

Required Permission Security level with access to Reports > CRM category and permission to view Opportunities
Path > Reports > Report Categories > CRM >  Opportunities section
Description Old title: Call Summary. CRM notes, filtered by date range and resource(s). Sales Managers can use this to monitor sales activity.

Global notes search

Required Permission All security levels, but users will only see notes associated with entities their security level gives them access to.

> Home > Search > Global Notes Search

> Reports Report Categories > Other > General > Global Notes Search

Description Search for any note in Autotask. This search can be filtered by organization, action type, note type, entity the note is attached to, note creator and date range. It is also limited by the user's security level.


Notes by resource

Required Permission Administrator or Manager security level. May be published to other security levels.
Path > Reports > Resources > LiveReports
Description All system, task, ticket, and project notes for a selected date range, sorted by resource and note type.

Task, ticket, contract and project notes

Required Permission Administrator or Manager security level. May be published to other security levels.
Path > Reports > Service Desk > LiveReports
> Reports > Projects > LiveReports
> Reports > Contracts & Billing > LiveReports
Description All Task, Ticket, and Project Notes for the selected time frame by organization and Note Type
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