Reports about resource assignments and hours worked

SECURITY  Refer to Required Permission for each report

NAVIGATION  Refer to Path for each report. Note that LiveReports may be published to any report category or multiple report categories, or may not be published at all in your Autotask instance. To publish a LiveReport, refer to Publishing LiveReports.

Standard reports

Assignments by resource

Required Permission Security level with access to Projects > Other > Can view legacy projects dashboard
Path > Projects > View > Dashboard > My Projects Summary > Resources > Assignments by Resources
Description Project assignments for selected resources during a defined date range, grouped by resource. Can be sorted by Start or End Date.

Hours worked by resource

Required Permission Security level with access to Reports > Resources category
Path > Reports > Report Categories > Resources > General section
Description Daily resource hours for the time sheet period that contains the selected date. Helps you check if everyone is filling in their timesheet.

Hours worked by resource and task/ticket

Required Permission Security level access to Reports > Resources category
Path > Reports > Report Categories > Resources > General section
Description The number of hours worked on tickets, tasks and internal time in the selected date range, grouped by resource. Can be filtered by department.

My Work History

Required Permission All users
Path > Home > Reports > My Work History
Description Summarizes the hours resources worked for the selected customer during the selected date range. Can optionally filter by project, and include completed tickets.

Labor by internal time and resource

Required Permission Security level with access to Reports > Resources category
Path > Reports > Report Categories > Resources > General section
Description Summarizes the hours resources tracked against internal time codes during the selected date range. Note that the system internal time codes (Personal Time, Sick Time, Vacation time, Floating Holiday) will not appear on the report's internal code picklist because they are part of the time off policies.

Monthly hours worked / Internal cost by resource

Required Permission Security level with and access to Admin or Reports, and Admin > Resources/Users (HR) security level permission.
Path > Reports > Report Categories > Resources > General section
Description Hours worked by all resources for a specified calendar year, broken down by month. The internal cost of the labor is displayed when the "Amount" radio button is selected.

Project hours by resource

Required Permission Security level with access to Reports > Resources category
Path > Reports > Report Categories > Resources > General section
Description Project hours worked by the selected resource in the selected date range.

Resource hours by billing code

Required Permission Security level with access to Reports > Resources category
Path > Reports > Report Categories > Resources > General section
Description Hours worked by selected resources in the selected date range, for work types associated with the selected department, sorted by work type and internal time code. After the report is generated, you can sort on multiple fields.

Resource hours detail

Required Permission Security level access to Reports > Time & Expenses category or
Reports > Resources category
Path > Reports > Time & Expenses tab > Timesheets or
> Reports > Report Categories > Resources > General section
Description Details about tasks, tickets and regular time for specified resource(s) and a specified date range, sorted by resource or organization and project. This report shows both pre-billed and billed work.

Resource assignments and appointments

Required Permission Administrator or Manager security level. May be published to other security levels, departments, or resources.
Path > Reports > Resources tab > LiveReports
Description Shows all items in Autotask that are assigned to a resource. Can be filtered by item type.

Tasks and tickets due by resource

Required Permission Security level with access to Reports > Resources category
Path > Reports > Report Categories > Resources > General section
Description Displays all tasks and tickets due within the selected due date range, grouped by resource. For tasks, you can exclude tasks by Project Type.

Year over year resource hours analysis

Required Permission Security level with access to Reports > Resource category AND Admin > Resources/Users (HR) permission
Path > Reports > Report Categories > Resources > General section
Description All resource hours and internal costs for last year, current year, and last 90/30/7/1 days. Select check box to include inactive resources.


Hours worked by resource, contract category, & work type

Required Permission Administrator or Manager security level. May be published to other security levels, departments, or resources.
Path > Reports > Resources tab > LiveReports
Description This report provides a summary of total hours worked by Resource, with further groupings by Contract Type, Contract Category, Activity Type, Work Type and Internal Time.
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