Tickets widgets

Visualization Type Widget Name Description Entity Tabs
All Alerts by Device Type (Last 90 Days) Which device types are the most problematic? This widget shows the breakdown of Datto RMM alert tickets by device. Tickets Datto RMM Alerts
All Alerts by Manufacturer (Last 90 Days) Which manufacturers' devices are the most problematic? This widget shows the breakdown of Datto RMM alert tickets by manufacturer. Tickets Datto RMM Alerts
Avg Hours Worked per Completed Ticket (by Month) Is your service team getting better at completing tickets faster? This widget shows the average hours worked to complete a ticket for each month over the past year. Tickets Service History
Avg Hours Worked per Completed Ticket (by Queue) Which queues contain the most time-consuming tickets? This widget shows the average hours worked to complete a ticket for each of your queues. Tickets Service History
Backup Tickets in the Last 30 Days by Organization How many tickets related to backup have been created recently? This widget displays, for each organization, the number of tickets created in the last 30 days that have been tagged with tags in the Backup, Backup/BCDR, or Datto BCDR tag groups. Tickets No tab
Completed Tickets by Resource (last 10 days) Which of your resources have been completing the most tickets? This widget shows a count of the tickets completed in the last 10 days for each of your resources. Tickets Service History
Created vs Completed Alerts (Last 7 Days) This widget provides a look at the number of Datto RMM alert tickets created vs. completed over the last 7 days. Tickets Datto RMM Alerts
Datto Alerts By Device OS Version How many Datto BCDR Alerts are open and what are the OS versions of the devices associated with the alerts? This widget displays the count of active Datto Alerts grouped by device OS version. Tickets Datto Alerts
Datto Alerts By Priority How urgent are your open alert tickets? This widget provides the distribution of open Datto BCDR alert tickets by priority. Tickets Datto Alerts
Datto Alerts By Product What products have been generating Datto alerts and how many alerts are generated by the different products? Which products generate the most alerts? This widget displays the number of alerts created by Datto BCDR , grouped by Product. Tickets Datto Alerts
Datto Alerts Coming Due How many open Datto BCDR alerts are due today? This widget presents a count of open tickets with due date = today's date. Tickets Datto Alerts
Datto SLA - First Response Summary Where have you missed your SLA First Response commitments for Datto BCDR alerts, and where are you in jeopardy of missing them? This widget gives a quick way to stay on top of your Datto BCDR alerts whose First Response is due soon. The three gauges show a count of Datto BCDR alert tickets where you are the Primary Resource and the First Response is overdue, due in less than one hour, and due in the next two hours. Tickets Datto Alerts
First Response Met (Last 7 Days) Are you getting better or worse at meeting your service level agreement First Response deadlines? This widget shows the count of tickets where you have met and missed your First Response deadlines for each of the last 7 days. Tickets Owner,
Service History
First Response Met Today Are you getting back to your customers as quickly as your service level agreements say you should be? This simple two-segment chart shows you the count of tickets that have a SLA First Response due today, and whether or not you have satisfied that First Response deadline. Tickets Service Manager
Hours Worked (To Complete Ticket) How much effort is your service team spending to complete tickets? This widget shows the count of complete tickets that had less than one hour of work, 1-8 hours of work, and more than 8 hours of work. Tickets Service History
Most Recent Alerts This widget provides a list of the most recent Datto RMM alert tickets. Tickets Datto RMM Alerts
Most Recent Datto Alerts This widget provides a list of the 10 Datto BCDR alert tickets created most recently. Tickets Datto Alerts
My First Response Met Today Are you getting back to your customers as quickly as your service level agreements say you should be? This simple two-segment chart shows you the count of tickets (where you are the Primary Resource) that have a SLA First Response due today, and indicates whether you have satisfied that First Response deadline. Tickets No tabs
My Open Ticket Backlog by Age (Days) How old are your non-complete tickets? This widget groups non-complete tickets (where you are the Primary Resource) by the number of days since they were created, and gives you a count of tickets that fall in each age range. Tickets No tabs
My Open Tickets Do you want a high-level view of your personal ticket load? This widget includes gauges that show a count of open tickets that are new, overdue, and critical (where you are the Primary Resource). Tickets Service Technician
My Open Tickets (Non-Recurring) What does your service team's ticket load look like? This widget shows a count of total open tickets, open tickets that do not have a Primary Resource assigned, and unassigned open tickets with a Critical priority. This widget does not include Recurring tickets. Tickets Service Technician
My Open Tickets by Organization Which customers are keeping you the busiest, from a ticketing perspective? This widget shows the count of non-complete tickets assigned to you (where you are the Primary Resource) for your top customers. Tickets No tabs
My Open Tickets by Issue/Sub-Issue What types of issues are generating the highest number of tickets? This widget shows your top issue types based on tickets where you are the Primary Resource. Each issue type bar is divided into segments representing sub-issue types. Tickets Service Technician
My Open Tickets by Priority What tickets should you be focusing on right now? This widget provides a breakdown of your open tickets (where you are the Primary Resource) by priority. Tickets Service Technician
My Open Tickets by Queue What queues are my open tickets in? This widget shows the count of your open tickets (separately for recurring and non-recurring), where you are the Primary Resource, by queue. Tickets No tabs
My Open Tickets by Status What tickets haven't been worked yet? Do you have a lot of tickets getting stuck at specific statuses? This widget shows a count of your open tickets (where you are the Primary Resource), grouped by status, for the 10 statuses with the highest ticket count. Tickets Service Technician
My Open Tickets Due In Next 7 Days (or Overdue) What tickets do you need to work on over the next 7 days? See the distribution of tickets that are assigned to you (as the Primary Resource) and are due in the next 7 days (or are already overdue) grouped by Priority. This allows you to easily find the most important tickets coming due or overdue. Tickets No tabs
My Open Tickets In My Queues What queues are my open tickets in? This widget shows the count of your open tickets (separately for recurring and non-recurring), where you are the Primary Resource, by queue. Tickets Service Technician
My Overdue Tickets by Due Date & Priority (Last 10 Days) How well are you keeping up with your important tickets? Each column represents the count of tickets (where you are the Primary Resource) due on the date indicated. Each colored segment on a column shows how many of the tickets are assigned to each priority, making it easy to locate your most critical overdue tickets. Tickets My Work
My SLA - First Response What tickets need your immediate attention to meet upcoming SLA First Response goals? Which tickets have already missed their goals? This widget quickly shows you how many tickets assigned to you (as the Primary Resource) have missed their SLA First Response deadline, and how many are due soon so you can avoid missing First Response on other tickets. Tickets My Work
My SLA - First Response Summary Where have you missed your SLA First Response commitments, and where are you in jeopardy of missing them? This widget gives a quick way to stay on top of your tickets whose First Response is due soon. It shows a count of tickets (where you are the Primary Resource) whose First Response is overdue, due in less than one hour, and due in the next two hours. Tickets Service Technician
My Survey Scores - Count of Surveys (Last 7 Days) How are your recent survey scores distributed? Do you have a lot of good scores or a lot of bad scores? This widget shows the count of survey responses for tickets where you are the Primary Resource, where the score is 4 to 5, 3 to < 4, and 1 to < 3. Tickets No tabs
My Ticket Summary Do you want a high-level view of your personal ticket load? This widget includes gauges that show a count of total tickets open, due today, and overdue (where you are the Primary Resource). Tickets My Work
My Tickets Coming Due What tickets will be overdue soon if you don't work on them? This widget shows the count of your tickets (where you are the Primary Resource) that are due today, due tomorrow, and due in the next 7 days. Tickets Service Technician
My Tickets Completed (Last 7 Days) Is your short-term ticket completion trending upward or downward, and how does this impact your operations? This widget shows the number of tickets (where you are the Primary Resource) that were completed each day over the last 7 days. Tickets No tabs
My Tickets Due Today (or Overdue) What tickets are overdue and what tickets will be overdue if you don't complete them today? This widget lists tickets (where you are Primary Resource) that are already overdue or are due today. Click a ticket to access its details. Tickets My Work,
Service Technician
New Datto Alerts vs. Completed Datto Alerts This widget provides a look at the number of Datto BCDR alert tickets created vs. completed over the past 6 months. Tickets Datto Alerts
Newest Tickets (Open) What types of issues are your customers reporting today? This widget shows the last 10 tickets created. Tickets No tabs
Open Alerts Is Datto RMM creating a lot of alert tickets? This widget provides the count of Datto RMM alert tickets that have a status of New, are overdue, and are Critical priority. Tickets Datto RMM Alerts
Open Alerts by Device Type Which device types are responsible for the most urgent alert tickets? This widget provides a breakdown of open Datto RMM alert tickets by device type and priority. Tickets Datto RMM Alerts
Open Alerts by Device Patch Status This widget provides the distribution of open RMM alert tickets by device patch status. Tickets Datto RMM Alerts
Open Alerts by Priority How urgent are your open alert tickets. This widget provides the distribution of open Datto RMM alert tickets by priority. Tickets Datto RMM Alerts
Open Alerts Summary This widget provides a high-level summary of Datto RMM alert tickets, including total due today, total in New status, total overdue, and a total of Critical and High priority. Tickets Datto RMM Alerts
Open Datto Alert Summary This widget shows which open Datto BCDR Alert tickets are Problem or Change Order tickets, and which tickets are waiting for a customer response. Tickets Datto Alerts
Open Datto Alerts This widget has three gauges that each provide the count of Datto BCDR alert tickets at a different key point: ticket status is New, ticket is overdue, and ticket is unassigned. Tickets Datto Alerts
Open Desktop and Laptop Alerts This widget provides a breakdown of open Datto RMM alert tickets pertaining to desktops and laptops. Tickets Datto RMM Alerts
Open Monitor Alerts This widget provides a high-level summary of monitor-related Datto RMM alert tickets, including total Critical or High priority, total in New status, and a breakdown of devices Offline and Offline for more than three days, as well as Disk Usage issues. Tickets Datto RMM Alerts
Open Server Alerts This widget provides a breakdown of open Datto RMM alert tickets pertaining to servers. Tickets Datto RMM Alerts
Open Ticket Backlog by Age (Days) Where have tickets fallen through the cracks? This widget groups non-complete tickets by the number of days since they were created, and provides a count of tickets in each range of days. Tickets No tabs
Open Ticket Backlog by Resource Do you have resources with too many non-complete tickets? Are there other resources with very few non-complete tickets that could help them with their workload? This widget shows a count of non-complete tickets for your resources. Tickets Service Manager
Open Ticket Summary Is your Help Desk or service team struggling to keep up with open tickets? These gauges show the number of tickets that have been created and completed, as well as the total number of open tickets. It also shows how many open (non-complete) tickets are in the New status, are Critical priority, and the percent of tickets that have met their first response in the last 10 days. Tickets Owner
Open Tickets Do you want a high-level view of your service team's ticket load? This widget shows a count of total open tickets, overdue tickets, and open critical tickets. Tickets Service Manager
Open Tickets (Non-Recurring) What does your service team's ticket load look like? This widget shows a count of total open tickets, open tickets that do not have a Primary Resource assigned, and open Critical tickets that do not have a Primary Resource. This widget does not include Recurring tickets. Tickets Service Manager
Open Tickets by Organization Which customers are keeping your company the busiest, from a ticketing perspective? This widget shows the count of non-complete tickets for your top customers. Tickets No tabs
Open Tickets by Issue/Sub-Issue What types of issues are generating the highest number of tickets? This widget shows your top issue types. Each issue type bar is divided into segments representing sub-issue types. Tickets Service Manager
Open Tickets by Priority What tickets should you be focusing on right now? This widget show a breakdown of open tickets by priority. Tickets Service Manager
Open Tickets by Queue What do your queues look like? This widget shows the count of open tickets (separately for recurring and non-recurring) by queue. Tickets Service Manager
Open Tickets by Queue (Pie Chart) What do your queues look like? This widget shows the count of open tickets (separately for recurring and non-recurring) by queue. Tickets No tabs
Open Tickets by Resource Do you have any resources with too many non-complete tickets? Are there other resources with very few non-complete tickets that could help them with their workload? This widget shows distribution of non-complete tickets across your resources. Tickets No tabs
Open Tickets by Resource & Priority Which resources have the most open critical tickets? The bars on this widget show the count of open tickets by resource. The bar segments show the priorities of those tickets. Tickets No tabs
Open Tickets by Status What tickets haven't been worked yet? Do you have a lot of tickets getting stuck at specific statuses? This widget shows a count of your open tickets, grouped by status, for the 10 statuses with the highest ticket count. Tickets Service Manager

Open Tickets by Work List

Who has what tickets in their Work List? This widget shows the number of tickets in each resource's Work List.


No tabs

Open Tickets for Devices with Missing Patches Are you spending a lot of time supporting devices that are missing patches? This widgets displays the count of open ticket and Waiting Customer tickets for devices that have one or more missing patches. Tickets No tabs
Open Tickets in My Queues What do your queues look like? This widget shows the count of open tickets (separately for recurring and non-recurring) by queue. Tickets Service Technician
Overdue Tickets by Resource Which resources have the most overdue tickets? This widget shows you the distribution of overdue tickets by Primary Resource. Tickets No tabs
SLA - First Response Summary Where has your service team missed its SLA First Response commitments, and where is it in jeopardy of missing them? This widget provides a quick way to stay on top of tickets whose First Response is due soon. It shows a count of tickets whose First Response is overdue, due in less than one hour, and due in the next two hours. Tickets Service Manager
SLA - Resolution Where you have you missed your SLA Resolution commitments, and where are you in jeopardy of missing them? This widget gives you a quick way to stay on top of tickets whose Resolution is due soon. It shows a count of tickets whose Resolution is overdue, due today, and due in the next 48 hours. Tickets No tabs
SLA - Resolution Elapsed Business Hours (Last 7 Days) How long, in business hours, has it been taking your service team to resolve tickets? This widget shows a count of tickets resolved in the last 7 days, grouped by range of hours that it took to meet resolution: 0 - 4 business hours, 4 - 16 business hours, and more than 16 business hours. Tickets No tabs
Ticket Summary How has your Help Desk or service team been doing for the last 10 days? These three gauges show you the number of tickets that have been created and completed, as well as the total number of open tickets. Tickets Service History
Tickets Coming Due What tickets will be overdue soon if your technicians don't work on them? This widget shows the count of tickets due today, due tomorrow, and due in the next 7 days. Tickets Service Manager
Tickets Completed (Last 10 Days) Is your short-term ticket completion trending upward or downward, and how does this impact your operations? This widget shows the number of tickets completed by day over the last 10 days. Tickets Service History
Tickets Completed by Month Is your long-term ticket completion trending upward or downward? This widget shows you the number of tickets completed by month. Tickets   No tabs
Tickets Completed Today by Queue What queues have seen the most completed tickets today? This widget shows you the distribution of tickets completed today by queue. Tickets  No tabs
Tickets Created (Last 10 Days) Is your short-term ticket creation trending upward or downward, and how does this impact your operations? This widget shows the number of tickets created by day over the last 10 days. Tickets Service History
Tickets Created by Day of Week (Last 4 Weeks) On which days do you have the most or the least tickets coming in, and how does this impact your staffing and operations? This widget shows the number of tickets created by day of week over the last 28 days. Tickets Service History
Tickets Created by Month (Last 365 Days) Is your long-term ticket creation trending upward or downward, and how does this impact your operations? This widget shows the number of tickets created by month over the past year. Tickets Service History
Tickets Created For Devices with Missing Patches Are missing patches causing excessive amounts of tickets to be created? This widgets shows you, for each of the last 7 days, how many tickets were created for devices that have one or more missing patches. Tickets No tabs
Tickets Created in the Last 7 Days by Tag What kinds of specific topics are appearing most on recent tickets? This widget lists tickets created in the past 7 days, grouped by tag. Remember that a ticket can have up to 30 tags, so the same ticket might appear in more than one group. Tickets No tabs
Tickets Created in the Last 7 Days by Tag Group What kinds of general topics are appearing most on recent tickets? This widget lists tickets created in the past 7 days, grouped by tag group. Remember that a ticket can have up to 30 tags, and more than one tag can belong to the same group, too. Tickets No tabs
Tickets Created Today by Queue What queues have seen the most new tickets today? This widget shows you the distribution of tickets created today by queue. Tickets No tabs
Tickets Created vs. Completed (Last 7 Days) Are you completing more tickets than you are creating? This widget shows the total number of tickets that were created vs. completed over the last 7 days. Tickets No tabs
Top Customers with Datto Alerts This widget shows which accounts have the most open Datto BCDR alert tickets. Tickets Datto Alerts
Top Customers with Open Alerts This widget provides a view of the customers that have the most open Datto RMM alert tickets. Tickets Datto RMM Alerts
Top Datto Devices with Alerts (Last 90 Days) Which devices have created the most Datto BCDR alerts in the last 90 days? Tickets Datto Alerts
Top Devices with Critical Alerts (Last 90 Days) Which Datto RMM devices have created the most Critical alerts in the last three months? This widget gives you a list of those devices so you know where to concentrate your efforts - or even replace those devices. Tickets Datto RMM Devices
Unassigned Open Tickets by Queue Are you looking for ticket work? This widget shows you the count on non-complete tickets without an assigned resource, for each of your queues. Tickets Service Technician
Unassigned Tickets Due Today by Priority What are the important tickets due today that do not have a resource assigned? This widget shows you all tickets without an assigned resource that are due today or are overdue, grouped by Priority. Tickets Service Manager