Viewing or previewing a quote

Customers do not have access to the internal Quote page in Autotask; they only get to see the published quote view that does not contain internal information like your cost or your profit. You can generate a preview of the published quote that is identical to the final published customer-facing quote view, except that the final quote view lacks a couple of action buttons that are available on the preview.

The Quote view for customers

Customers will see one of two quote views:

  • The regular quote view
  • The quote view that requires them to approve or decline the quote electronically

On the Quote view, customers can do the following:

Buttons and Fields Description

Click to open the Print dialog box.

Click to download a PDF version of the quote.

Click to refresh the quote view after the salesperson has made changes to the quote.

Click to close the page.

Approve/Decline radio buttons

Click a button to indicate approval or rejection of your quote.

Your Name

The client enters a name that is used in the CRM Note that tracks the approval or rejection. This note is created when the customer clicks the Submit Button. If the quote is approved in the Client Portal, the client contact name is pre-populated and disabled.


The client enters comments when approving or declining the quote.

If the client fills out the Comments field on the Approve/Decline Quote page, that text is used to create a note on the associated opportunity, with a PDF of the quote added as an attachment below.

The Comments field is cleared if you clear the customer response on the Edit Quote page.

The client clicks this button to submit a response to the quote. The response and any comments are recorded as a CRM Note associated with the opportunity. The status of the quote is updated, and the date and time is recorded. A PDF of the accepted quote is added as an attachment.

Multi-currency impact

  • If Multi-currency is enabled and the customer organization has a customer currency assigned, the quote preview page and all published quotes will display all values in the customer currency only.
  • If the customer currency and the internal currency use the same symbol (like US and Canadian Dollars), elsewhere in Autotask, Canadian Dollars (the customer currency) are displayed with "CAD" as the currency indicator, while US dollars use the symbol "$". On the quote preview, however, the currency format set in the quote template is used.

Changing the appearance of the quote on the Preview page

The look of the main part of the quote on the Preview page is identical to the one on the customer view. However, if you have the required security permissions (Edit All permission for Opportunities & Quotes, or Edit Mine if you are the owner of the Opportunity associated with the quote), you have the following additional features:

You can change the appearance and structure of the quote by selecting a different quote template

Initially, the quote is displayed using the default template. To select a different one so you can see how different templates affect the appearance and content of the quote, click the template drop-down menu. You can select any template from the menu. The preview is updated automatically.

You can save the quote with the new template

If you want to use a different template, you must save the preview. Click Save to apply the new template. You must save the new template in order to publish with that template.

You can publish the quote right from the Preview page

Click Publish Quote and select one of the options.

Tax display settings

The tax display settings on the quote are configured on the Quote Template > Properties page. Refer to Editing quote template properties.