Adding logos

Using logos in Autotask is optional, but they are a nice way to customize your Autotask site.  You can use up to three different logos that will appear in the following places:

Logo Name Used in the following places
Primary Logo Invoices
To Go Report
Ticket Print View
Task Print View
Quote Logo Quote
Other Logo Purchase Order
Statement of Work
Executive Summary Report
Outsourcing (partner invitation email and congratulations email)

You can display the same logo everywhere, or you can upload several for use in different places.  You can upload as many images as you like, but only three logos can be used simultaneously.

The image size can be up to 200w x 150h pixels.  It must be a Web compatible image format like .gif, .jpeg, or .png. Unacceptable file types are ignored. File names should not use special characters.

How to...