Publishing LiveLinks

SECURITY LiveLinks Administrator - Publish LiveLinks permission required.
NAVIGATION Left Navigation Menu > Home > View > LiveLinks Designer > Right-click LiveLink > Publish LiveLink
NAVIGATION Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Automation > AutoForms & LiveLinks > LiveLinks Designer > Right-click LiveLink > Publish LiveLink
To become available to users, LiveLinks must be published. As the publisher, you select the users who can use, or "execute" the LiveLink.
NOTE A published LiveLink must also be active before users can execute it. You activate LiveLinks from the LiveLinks Designer. Refer to LiveLinks Designer.
You can publish a LiveLink to:
- Specific security levels. All users who are assigned the security level can execute the LiveLink.
- Department association. All members of the selected department(s), regardless of security level, can execute the LiveLink.
- Individual resources. If the previous options are not granular enough, you can publish the LiveLink to specific named resources.
How to...

To open the page, use the path(s) in the Security and navigation section above.
The LiveLink name, description, and associated entity appear at the top of the LiveLink Publication page. The page has four tabs, the Overview page, which is read-only and shows who the LiveLink is currently or will be published to, and the Security Levels, Departments and Resources tabs, where you can make your selections.
- On the Security Levels, Departments, and Resources tabs, check a box to grant access to the LiveLink to a group or individual.
You can select as many options as you want. You do not have to make selections on each of the tabs.
IMPORTANT If you do not want all members of a department or security level to access a LiveLink, do not publish to that department or security level. You must publish the LiveLink selectively to individual resources from the Resources tab.

The read only Overview tab gives you an overall picture of the resources who will have access to this LiveLink based on your selections on the Security Levels, Departments, and Resources tabs. If you want to modify any of the settings, you must make adjustments on the other tabs. The tab has four columns.
Column | Description |
Resource Name | Provides a list of resources to which the LiveLink has been published. |
Resource | A check mark in this column indicates that the LiveLink was published directly to the resource via the Resources tab. |
Security Levels | If a user was granted access to this LiveLink because they belong to a security level selected on the Security Levels tab, the corresponding security level is listed in this column. |
Departments | If a user was granted access to this LiveLink because they belong to a department selected on the Departments tab, the corresponding department is listed in this column. |