Configuring a custom mailbox

SECURITY Security level with Admin permission to configure Service Desk (Tickets). Refer to Admin security settings.
NAVIGATION Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Automation > Email Notifications & Surveys > Incoming Email Processing
BEFORE YOU BEGIN This feature may be hidden. You can activate it on this page: Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Activations.
IMPORTANT To ensure proper set up of Incoming Email Processing, you must log in using the primary domain for your Autotask instance. If you are unsure of your Autotask instance primary domain, contact Kaseya Helpdesk.
All customers can set up one custom mailbox in addition to the ATES mailbox. If you have upgraded the email-processing service, you can convert emails into additional Autotask entities. Refer to Basic and advanced Incoming Email Processing.
To configure a mailbox for incoming email processing, do the following:
- To open the page, use the path(s) in the Security and navigation section above.
- Click New.
- Complete the General tab, and the tabs for all entities that you want to create from emails in Autotask..
- Populate the tabs for all entities that you want to create from emails in Autotask.
- Click Save & Close.
General tab

Fields | Description |
Mailbox Name | The mailbox name that appears on the list of mailboxes on the Incoming Email Processing page. |
Active | Select this check box to enable processing emails set to this mailbox. |
Mailbox Email |
Enter a unique first part of the email address. Do not include the domain! The domain appears below the field. After you complete this field, the entire address appears. NOTE Autotask recommends that you give to your customer a friendly email address (, and configure your email server to forward or redirect emails (Outlook users must redirect, not forward!) from that address to the Mailbox Email address. |

Fields | Description |
Create attachments for images in email body (only for images that exceed the minimum width and height below) | Select to have Autotask create attachments to the parent ticket, project, or task from images in the email body. Attachments will only be created for images that meet the minimum width and height requirements as entered. Certain file formats and size limitations apply to all attachments. For more information, refer to Adding and managing attachments. Regardless of this setting, inline images in an email will appear inline in Autotask when the email body is converted to a field that support Rich Text. Refer to The Rich Text editor. |
Minimum Width (pixels) Minimum Height (pixels) |
Enter values for a minimum width and height requirement for images in an email to be converted to attachments. Images will have to meet both the width and height requirements to be converted. This can be used to prevent icons and logos in email signatures from becoming unnecessary attachments. Regardless of this setting, inline images in an email will appear inline in Autotask when the email body is converted to a field that support Rich Text. Refer to The Rich Text editor. |
Include original email as a ticket attachment when the ticket is created |
Select this box to attach a copy of the original email to the ticket or ticket note that will be created via Incoming Email Processing. The eml attachment will include all content of the original email, including formatting, images, and attachments (on the original email). The attachment creator will be the contact associated with the ticket or, if no contact can be determined, the Autotask Administrator. This check box is cleared by default. IMPORTANT A discrepancy between the Content-Transfer-Encoding in the Email Header, and the actual content format of the email body, can cause the eml file attached to be illegible when opened. Work with your email provider and any 3rd party tools to ensure that encoding and body format match. EXAMPLE This issue mat appear if the header has Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 and the content is plain text. In this case, the email header should be configured as QUOTED-PRINTABLE because it is readable text. |
Publish Attachment To: |
If the Include original email as a ticket attachment . . . option is selected above, this setting determines the default Publish To selection for that attachment. The Publish type determines who can view notes or open attachments created by a resource (system notes visibility is determined by the viewer's security level). It is either inherited from the note type (but can be edited), or selected outright from the Publish To dropdown menu. The following options are available:
Attachments without a Publish To selector inherit the visibility of the parent entity. EXAMPLE When you add an attachment while editing a ticket note, the ticket note's Publish To option is applied to the attachment. |

Fields | Description |
Enabled | Select to automatically create a ticket in Autotask for the Autotask device associated with the "machinename" provided on an incoming email. To ensure this functionality, the email must contain a string formatted as "machinename.groupname.subgroupname". NOTE Autotask recommends that you dedicate an email-processing mailbox to Kaseya, and do not use that mailbox for any other purpose. |
Entity tabs
All customers have access to the Tickets tab. If Advanced Incoming Email processing is included with your Autotask contract, you will have the following additional tabs enabled and can create the following types of entities from an incoming email:
- Ticket Note
- Ticket Time Entry
- Project Note
- Task Note
- Task Time Entry
Most sections and fields are shared by all tabs.

This section is tab-specific, since each entity has different fields for which default values can be selected.
Tab Name | Description |
Tickets |
Select the default values for tickets created by the service. Most fields do not require a default. A ticket category will be applied because this field cannot be blank, but its field defaults will not be applied to tickets created from incoming email. The exception is the Due Time setting, specified on the Details tab of the Add Ticket Category page.
IMPORTANT If co-managing users are assigned to the tickets created in this mailbox, the co-managed visibility must be set to Visible for the selected ticket category, or ticket creation will fail. You may want to set up a separate mailbox for tickets that will be assigned to co-managing users. For more on ticket categories, refer to Introduction to Categories. For more information on populating ticket fields, refer to Adding, copying, and editing tickets and Configuring field properties. |
Ticket Note, Task Note |
Select the default values for task notes and ticket notes created by the service.
Ticket Time Entry and Task Time Entry |
For time entries, you can optionally select a Status and a Work Type. |
Project Note |
Select the default values for project notes created by the service.

Field | Description |
Enable Additional Contact handling (Ticket, Ticket Note and Ticket Time Entry only) |
If you check Enable Additional Contact handling, Autotask will attempt to match contacts to any additional (To and CC) recipients of the email. If there are matches, those contacts will be made Additional Contacts on the ticket. Refer to Adding, copying, and editing tickets. We will not create any new contacts in Autotask from additional contacts. |

If an incoming email fails to create the entity, a failure notification email will always be sent to the email originator. If you don't select a notification template, Autotask will use a non-editable system notification.
Success notification is optional. If a Success notification template is not selected, no email will be sent to the email originator.
NOTE The Contact setting that blocks automatic emails does not apply to these notifications. Refer to Opted out from task/ticket notifications.
Field | Description |
Notification Template |
Pre-configured default Notification Templates specific to Incoming Email Processing are available from the Notification Template drop-down menu.
Refer to Adding or editing notification templates. IMPORTANT The ticket number, project number, or task number that is in the Subject line is crucial to email-processing communications. Use notification templates specifically designed for Incoming Email Processing to ensure that this number is present. |

A different, generic system email can be sent to internal resources and other specified email addresses when email conversion fails or succeeds.
Field | Description |
Available Resources, Selected Resources | Select one or more names and click the right-facing arrow to select resources to notify. |
Queue Resources, Queue Owner, Queue Other Emails (tickets, ticket notes and ticket time entries only) |
Use the check boxes to notify recipients based on queue membership and role |
Other Emails |
Use this field to notify recipients who are not resources |

Field | Description |
Add a tag... |
Tags are optional. You can apply tags to tickets through ticket categories, custom mailboxes, incoming email processing, form templates, or the Client Portal to indicate the content of tickets and help you easily find them in widgets and searches. Autotask supports up to 30 tags per ticket. If an email processing mailbox creates a ticket, and the number of tags on the mailbox and ticket category combined exceed 30, the tags on the category will receive preference. The tags from the mailbox will not be added.
Refer to Managing tags and tag groups and Working with tags on a ticket for more information. |
Organize by Group |
To group multiple tags first by tag group and then alphabetically by tag, click Organize by Group. |

When users or contacts reply to an old incoming email, the reply is added as a note to an existing ticket, and the Ticket Status is set to the one selected in the mailbox. Previously completed tickets are changed to a status other than Complete. This can throw off reporting metrics or result in the notification of unavailable resources. Often, the new request is completely unrelated to the original request.
To prevent reopening of tickets, complete the following fields:
Field | Description |
Enable Re-Open Prevention |
To prevent the reopening of tickets, select Enable Re-Open Prevention. The Grace Period (days) field becomes enabled. |
Grace Period (days) |
Enter the number of days from the ticket's Complete Date/Time after which this email processing mailbox will not change the ticket’s Status when a ticket note is added. |
Only send... |
Optionally, select Only send success notification to internal resources/other email addresses if re-open prevention occurs.
NOTE Also review the following article: FAQs.