Workflow rule examples

Business Case | Description | Events | Conditions | Updates | Actions | Notifications |
Following up when a competitor is pursuing an opportunity | If A&E IT, a competitor, is after your opportunity, create a to-do that will remind the Opportunity Owner to follow up with the opportunity contact. | Edited | Competitor Equal to "A&E IT" | None | Create To-Do and assign to the Opportunity Owner to follow up with their contact | None |
Notifying the management team of a lucrative opportunity likely to close | When a new opportunity is created with a rating of "Hot" and total revenue $50,000 or more, notify the management team of the potential deal. | Created | Rating Equal to "Hot" Total Revenue Greater than or equal to "50000" |
None | None | Send a notification to all appropriate managers regarding the opportunity. |
Winning an opportunity | When an opportunity is successfully closed, update the next step, create a to-do for the Opportunity Owner to set up a hand-off meeting with the implementation team, and send a notification to the Implementation Manager. | Edited | Status Equal to "Closed" | Next Step = "Begin implementation" | Create To-Do and assign to the Opportunity Owner to remind them to set up the hand-off meeting | Send a notification to the Implementation Manager. |

Business Case | Description | Events | Conditions | Updates | Actions | Notifications |
Raising the visibility of expiring contracts with the use of a "Renewal Status" Contract UDF and a Widget | When a contract is: Contract Ending In 30 Calendar Days | Ending In |
None | Then execute the following actions: Set UDF (Contract): Renewal Status to "1 Needs Renewal Review" | None | None |

Business Case | Description | Events | Conditions | Updates | Actions | Notifications |
Alerting the project team and a customer that a project has been completed | When the project status is "Complete", send an email to the Customer Contacts and Project Team. | Edited | Status Changed To "Complete" | None | None | Send notification to both the Customer Contacts and the Project Team |

Business Case | Description | Events | Conditions | Updates | Actions | Notifications |
Alerting the customer that a service call is set up | When a task's service call is scheduled, set the status to "Waiting Dispatch", set up a to-do for the technician, and send an email to the Customer Contacts. | Edited | Is Service Call Scheduled Equal to "True" | Status = "Waiting Dispatch" | Create To-Do and assign to the technician | Send notification to the Customer Contacts |

Business Case | Description | Events | Conditions | Updates | Actions | Notifications |
Dispatching a technician | When a new service request from Acme Corporation enters through the Client Portal, automatically route the request to Joe Technician and move it to the "Dispatch" queue so Joe can be assigned for an on-site visit to fix the problem. | Created by Client Portal User | Organization Name Equal to "Acme Corporation" | Primary Resource = Joe Technician Queue Name = Dispatch |
Optional: Create To-Do and assign to Joe to remind him to set up the visit | Optional: Send email notification to Joe to alert him of the request Send email to Ticket Contact to let them know a technician was assigned |
Escalating a ticket when the priority changes | When a ticket is changed to "Critical" priority, move the ticket to the Level 1 queue and create a to-do for the Support Supervisor to assign a resource. | Edited by Anyone | Priority Changed To "Critical" | Queue Name = Level 1 | Create to-do and assign to Support Supervisor to remind him to assign a resource to the ticket | None |
Notifying the primary resource when the SLA deadline for a device is approaching | When a customer's desktop configuration needs service and any of the SLA events are due within one business day, notify the primary resource to expedite resolution. | SLA: First Response Due in 1 Business Days SLA: Resolution Plan Due in 1 Business Days SLA: Resolution Due in 1 Business Days |
Device Name Equal to "Desktop Configuration" | None | None | Send email notification to Primary Resource |
Sending a survey to the customer | When a ticket status changes to "Complete", send a survey to the Ticket Contact. | Edited by Anyone | Status Changed To "Complete" | None | Then send survey to ticket contact: [Select survey] | None |
Handling critical that tickets come in outside normal hours. | When a critical ticket is created before or after regular business hours, or on a weekend, you'll want to notify the queue owner. | Ticket Created | Ticket Priority = Critical Also, in the Time Sensitive area, select Outside Business Hours of radio button |
None | None | Send email notification to Queue Owner |
Moving an idle, high priority ticket to a queue, emailing repeat notifications to queue members, and escalating priority. | When no one has addressed a high priority ticket for 4 hours, notify all queue members three times. If the ticket still hasn't been touched, escalate it to critical. | Ticket Idle for 4 hours. |
Ticket Priority = high Queue = Is Empty |
Queue = High Priority Tickets | None | Send 3 recurring notifications to all assigned resources and all Queue Members at 30 minute intervals. Then update Priority to Critical. |
Automatically assign tickets queues based issue or sub-issue type. | You can automatically assign a ticket to the queue associated with its issue or sub-issue type and notify the queue owner. | Ticket is Created. | None | Queue Name = Issue/Sub-Issue Type's Queue | None | Send email notification to Queue Owner. |
Automatically move Change Request tickets through a multi-level approval process. | When a Change Request ticket is approved by one board, the ticket is moved to require approval from a second board. Note that the ticket will still need to be opened and Request Approval must be selected.
Change Approved by Anyone | Change Approval Status = Approved Change Advisory Board = first level board |
Change Advisory Board = second level board | None | Send notification to Change Approvers |

Chances are you will find that you need to create multiple workflow rules that are identical except for one condition, for example, setting up the same rule for multiple organization names. In some applications, you would set up multiple (OR) conditions to indicate that the rule should fire when Organization Name equals Organization A, OR Organization B, OR Organization C. With Autotask workflow rules, you can use one of two operators, "In List" or "Not In list", in place of multiple (OR) conditions.
When either of these operators is selected, the condition value field will switch from a single-select drop-down list to a multi-select list box (or multi- select data selector). You will be limited to 20 selections on In List and Not In List conditions.
NOTE The "In List" enhancement will make it easier to set up new workflow and allow a consolidation of existing workflow rules. With this enhancement, we have established a limit of 200 active workflow rules per customer, for all customers that have 200 or fewer workflow rules. Existing customers with greater than 200 workflow rules will have a limit set to their existing workflow rule count x 110%.
EXAMPLE Example 1:
Let's look at the first Service Desk example provided in our topic Workflow rule examples.
Business Case | Description | Events | Conditions | Updates | Actions | Notifications |
Dispatching a technician | When a new service request from Acme Corporation enters through the Client Portal, automatically route the request to Joe Technician and move it to the "Dispatch" queue so Joe can be assigned for an on-site visit to fix the problem. | Created by Client Portal User | Organization Name Equal to "Acme Corporation" | Primary Resource = Joe Technician Queue Name = Dispatch |
Optional: Create to-do and assign to Joe to remind him to set up the visit | Optional: Send email notification to Joe to alert him of the request Send email to Ticket Contact to let them know a technician was assigned |
Suppose Joe is responsible for on-site work for several organizations. Instead of writing a separate workflow rule for each organization, you could change the Conditions as follows: Organization Name In list: Able, Acme, Brown Bros, Phoenix Group.
With this condition in place, the Updates, Actions, and Notifications occur whenever a service request from any of the listed Organizations enters the Client Portal.
EXAMPLE Example 2:
This example uses the Service Desk workflow rule that sends a survey to the customer contact when a ticket is completed.
Business Case | Description | Events | Conditions | Updates | Actions | Notifications |
Sending a survey to the customer | When a ticket status changes to "Complete", send a survey to the Ticket Contact. | Edited by Anyone | Status Changed To "Complete" | None | Then send survey to ticket contact: [Select survey] | None |
Suppose you have one or two customers with a high ticket volume that have asked that they not receive a survey every time a ticket is completed. You can continue to use this rule - just add one more Condition as follows:
Organization Name Not in list, where the list contains the names of those customers who do not want to receive a survey every time a ticket completes.
With this condition, the survey goes out to the Ticket Organization when a ticket is completed unless the ticket Organization Name is on the list.