ExecuteCommand API

With the Autotask ExecuteCommand API, developers can use simple browser-level commands to programmatically access specific pages in Autotask. You can construct a URL and query string with the proper format and parameters to access Autotask Company, Ticket, Opportunity, Service Call, and Asset functionality.

EXAMPLE   You can use the Ticket Detail by Ticket Number ExecuteCommand to provide a link to open an Autotask ticket detail from an email message.

  • The third-party application constructs the appropriate URL and query string.
  • The URL and query string are passed to your default browser in a new browser window.
  • The Autotask login page opens and after a successful login the destination page opens.
  • If an invalid URL or query string is passed to Autotask, an error message is displayed.

The Autotask ExecuteCommand API can integrate seamlessly with existing Autotask functionality. There are no additional system, hardware, or support requirements beyond standard Autotask functionality.

Browser requirements

ExecuteCommand strings will create popup windows, and this is by design.

IMPORTANT  When the executeCommand URL is executed, it will attempt to navigate to the homepage of the user's Autotask instance within the existing tab/window to ensure an active session exists. Once the session is verified, a popup is generated with the target entity populated.

The ExecuteCommand API requires the following browser settings:

  • Your Autotask server URL, ww*.autotask.net, must be included in Trusted Sites
  • Pop-up blockers must be turned off for ww*.autotask.net

NOTE  Don't forget add-on pop-up blockers, for example, for Google browser toolbar or third party security software.


The following commands are currently available with the ExecuteCommand API.

NOTE  The ExecuteCommand terminology does not match the Autotask UI terminology in two areas. First, the Account commands reference activity that in the UI might be referred to as another local term, such as "Company." Second, the Installed Product commands reference activity that in the UI might be referred to as another local term, such as "Asset."

  • NewTicket (By Phone Number or Account ID, or Global Task ID; the AccountID is the ID for the associated Company and GlobalTaskID is the ID assigned to an insourced ticket.)
  • OpenTicketDetail (By Ticket Number or Ticket ID)
  • NewAccount (No parameter)
  • OpenAccount (By Phone Number, AccountName, or Account ID; that is, the Company Name or Company ID)
  • EditAccount (By Phone Number, AccountName, or AccountID; that is, the Company Name, or Company ID)
  • OpenOpportunity (By Opportunity ID)
  • NewInstalledProduct (By Phone Number or Account ID, or AccountName; that is, the Company Name or Company ID)
  • EditInstalledProduct (By Asset ID)
  • NewContact (By Phone Number, AccountName, or AccountID; that is, the Company Name or Company ID)
  • EditContact (By Email, FirstName, LastName, or Contact ID)
  • OpenContact (By Email, FirstName, LastName, or Contact ID)
  • OpenTicketTime (by TicketID or TicketID and TimeEntryID) opens a New Time Entry page
  • EditTimeEntry (by WorkEntryID)
  • NewAccountNote (by AccountID, that is, the Company ID)
  • OpenAppointment (by AppointmentID)
  • OpenContract (by ContractID)
  • OpenIPDW (the Asset Discovery Wizard, by Wizard: that is, the name of the Autotask Extension associated with the Asset Discovery Wizard, for example, Kaseya.
  • OpenKBArticle (open a Knowledgebase article by ID, that is, the ID of the Knowledgebase article.
  • Open Project (by ProjectID)
  • OpenQuote (by ID. This command opens the Edit Quote page for the specified quote.)
  • Open SalesOrder (by SalesOrderID)
  • OpenServiceCall (By Service Call ID)
  • OpenTimeOffRequest (by ApproverID and ResourceID, both are required, and optionally, Tier)
  • OpenToDo (by ToDoID)

For a description of each command, along with the command URL, refer to Using the ExecuteCommand API.