Export fields

The following fields will be exported when the Export Type CSV (Comma Separated Values) is selected while Exporting billing data using the Export Wizard.

Fields in Export Order
External Invoice Number
Organization ID
Organization Number
Account Manager
Billing Code Name
Billing Code External Number
Organization Name
Task or Ticket Number
Task or Ticket Title
Reported By
Ticket Contact
Project Name
Project Lead
Project Owner
Resource Name
Role Name
General Ledger Account Description
General Ledger Account Name
Invoice Note
Task or Ticket Summary
Hourly Billing Rate
Billable Hours
Extended Price
Approved Date
Posted Date
Internal Purchase Order Number
Our Cost
Expense Type
Device Name
Subscription Name
Subscription Description
Subscription Effective Date
Subscription Expiration Date
Milestone Name
Milestone Description
Milestone Amount
Parent Organization Name
Billing Code Non-Billable
External Project Number
Worked Hours
Non-Billable Hours
Billed Hours
Billed Amount
External Contract Number
Item Name
Service Name
Service Units
Service Unit Price
Service Extended Price
Service Period Start Date
Service Period End Date
Setup Fee
Address 1
Address 2
Zip Code
Ticket UDF (When you export posted billing transactions, the export file can contain one Ticket User-Defined Field (UDF). This field is determined when the Ticket UDF is set up. In order to be exported, the field description needs to contain the string #export#. For more information on Ticket UDFs, refer to Managing user-defined fields.)
Approved By
Task or Ticket Start Time
Task or Ticket End Time
Resource Payroll Identifier
Posted Date
Department Number
Task or T
Billing Organization: That is, the name of the organization that the item is being billed to: the Billing Organization or parent organization if either is specified, or when no Bill To or parent organization is specified, the organization the item was created for (End Client organization).
Billing Address 1
Billing Address 2
Billing City
Billing State
Billing Zip Code
Billing Country
Charge Description
Block ID: A value in this column indicates that the labor line item is covered by a block, retainer, or per ticket contract purchase and it is pre-paid labor. No value in this column indicates that the labor line item is not pre-paid.
Unit Price
Invoice Date
Project Phase
Purchase Order Number
Payment Due Date
Expense Description
Tax Category
Tax Rate
Total Tax
Item ID
Contract Period Type
Service Period Type
Service/Bundle Invoice Description
*Internal Currency Hourly Billing Rate
*Internal Currency Extended Price
*Internal Currency Billed Amount
*Internal Currency Total Tax
Account Manager (when Posted)
Line of Business
Contract UDFs (In the exported list, all contract UDFs for the selected Organization appear to the right of the fields listed above. Refer to Contract User-Defined Fields.)

* If multi-currency is enabled for your Autotask instance