
IMPORTANT  Enabling Multi-currency cannot be reversed.

What is Multi-currency?

Your Autotask instance can be set up to support multiple currencies for purchasing, quoting, invoicing and expense tracking. If you enable Multi-currency, you can:

  • Select an internal currency that is the accounting currency for your organization. All amounts saved in your Autotask instance before Multi-currency was turned on are assigned the internal currency.
  • Activate additional customer, vendor, expense and reimbursement currencies you will be doing business in
  • Manage the exchange rate between your internal currency and your active foreign currencies
  • Assign a currency to a customer or vendor directly, or through their country's default setting
  • Manage currency-specific price lists based on absolute amounts or on exchange rates
  • Use the customer's currency setting for all customer-facing documents, including quotes, invoices, quote and invoice email templates, etc.
  • Generate purchase orders in the vendor's currency
  • Allow your resources to submit expense reports with expense items in multiple currencies
  • Reimburse your resources for expenses in their preferred currency
  • In Client Portal, display currency data in the customer's currency

Do you need Multi-currency?

This feature is intended for customers who do business in countries that have a different currency than their own. It allows them to issue purchase orders, quote products and services, generate invoices, and track their expenses in more than one currency, and to track revenue and costs in their own internal currency.

How do you get the Multi-currency feature?

Contact your salesperson or Account Manager.

What changes when Multi-currency is enabled?

Refer to Additional Features when Multi-currency is enabled.